Wild for Birds with the Wild Ones Green Bay Chapter!

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Wild for Birds!
Saturday, August 23, 2014 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. at Stone Silo Nursery
Wild About Birds & Wild Ones Green Bay Native Plant Sale
Stone Silo Prairie Gardens, 2325 Oak Ridge Circle De Pere, WI 2-1/2 miles south of Hwy 172 on the corner of Hwy GV and Oak Ridge Circle in De Pere.

Are you WILD FOR BIRDS !??!
Then come out to the Wild Ones Green Bay plant sale event on Saturday, August 23rd. Hours are from 10am to 2pm on the grounds of Stone Silo Prairie Nursery, 2325 Oak Ridge Circle in DePere, WI. At 11am hear keynote speaker Kim Grevles of the WI DNR talk about the Wisconsin Stopover Initiative, to learn how native plants play an important role in our migrating birds and wildlife. Talk to other groups like the Wisconsin Society for Ornithology, Bird City Green Bay, the Bay Area Bird Club, Bluebird Restoration Association of WI, GB Beekeepers and more. Let the kids meet critters from Barkhausen Wildlife Preserve, learn about bats from the USFWS, and even plant their own seeds at the Kids Korner we have set up.

At 1pm hear Justin Kroening of Stone Silo Prairie Nursery tell you about forming a relationship with bully plants. Then browse the selection of native plants for sale, with knowledgeable volunteers to help you pick just the right native plants for your landscape. We are wild about seeing you there!!