Wild Ones Root River Chapter May 2015 Meeting Location Details

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Good afternoon, Wild Ones! So far the forecast for Saturday is 73? and no rain! So, please join us this Saturday, May 2nd at 10:00 am for a fun (and weed!) – filled morning at Colonial Park. If you pulled garlic mustard at our May meeting last year, we?re in the same place (but clearing new areas). We’ll be meeting at the south entrance to the park, which is off Spring Street in Racine, between Green Bay Rd and Northwestern Ave. Turn north off Spring Street onto Domanik Place (just west of Northwestern Ave), then an immediate left onto Domanik Dr. This will wind around for awhile, basically following the Root River, until you get to a turnoff on the left for a parking lot (this is just past the playing field). Park here ?? there’s a small steelhead facility with nice signage you can look at ? and large glass windows to see the fish! We’ll be following the Root River Pathway (it parallels the parking lot) across a bridge and into the woods. Wear normal outdoor gear and gloves, and remember to bring bags for the garlic mustard. If you have a Wild Ones shirt, wear it ?? other people using the park will naturally be curious about who we are and why we’re so gleefully pulling up plants. 🙂

There will be cookies, naturally, and the plant sale committee will be meeting over lunch afterwards. Non-committee members are welcome to join us.