Chiwaukee Prairie Work Day Announcement

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img_0491-1Greetings Volunteers and all Friends of the Prairie,

The prairie is incredible this time of year! Tall Sunflowers paint acres bright yellow. Purple, blue, and white Asters mix with a variety of Goldenrods. Milkweed pods stand ready to explode. And all of the Prairie Grasses, tall and short, dance in the breeze to get your attention. Here and there along the path is the eye stopping royal blue of the Gentian. A multitude of Monarchs move among this nectar banquet preparing for their migration south.

Please join us this Saturday September 17th as we work along the Al Krampert Trail removing cottonwood saplings and moving brush piles. Mostly we will be enjoying this special time on the Prairie. Normally in September volunteers remove the last of the Queen Anne’s Lace. This year it bloomed and set seed early and we were able to remove it in August and at our Labor Day QAL Gathering. The really good news is that there was much less than last year. We are winning!

The weather Saturday will be in the 70’s with a chance of rain (we hope not). Bring your camera and wear old clothes. We supply the tools and gloves. The monthly workday is from 10 AM to 1 PM. Come for part or all of it.

If you have questions, email Pam Holy at [email protected] or call 262-658-8336. (Map at

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Stewardship Committee
Chiwaukee Prairie Preservation Fund, Inc.
P.O. Box 1802
Kenosha, Wisconsin 53141