Wild Ones Root River Chapter February 2017 Meeting Announcement

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Good morning, Wild Ones! It?s time to stop thinking about winter and start thinking about plants again! To help us do that, for our February meeting everyone who is attending the Fox Valley conference this weekend will give a short report on what they learned. If you are going to the conference, try to get a copy of any handouts they have. If you can scan them and email them to me (or give them to me at the conference), I?ll make copies for everyone. The talks are pretty varied this year ? natives for shade, urban gardens with natives, and even ways to protect your property from development.

 Also, we got a donation of approximately 1 ton 🙂 of milkweed pods at our September meeting last year, and the Sustachek’s kindly dried them for us. The inimitable Bill Russin will separate out the seeds (one of his favorite things!) and we can all work together to bag them for giving away at our booth this year. This is a huge draw and brings lots of people over to learn more about us and help monarchs.

 Lastly, there will be cookies!

 Here?s the info:

 When: Saturday, February 4 at 10:00 am

Where: Bristol School library ? 20121 83rd St in Bristol

What: Information from Toward Harmony with Nature Conference

 Afterwards we?ll lunch at the Bristol 45 Diner right across from the school on Hwy 45. Sure to be a fun time ?- hope to see you there!

 Stay warm, and be Wild!


 Christina Russin

President, Root River Wild Ones

(608) 408-7082