Wild Ones Root River Chapter September 2017 Meeting Announcement

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Good morning, Wild Ones!! So many people were out of town last month that we were unable to go to the Cedarburg bog, but several people expressed an interest in seeing something similar, and maybe a bit closer. Well, you?re in luck! The Hackmatack National Wildlife Refuge is a newly designated refuge that is in the process of being created by linking together existing natural areas. No refuge land is open to the public yet, but there are several places in the region that we can visit and get an idea of how great it?s going to be in a few years. The best one (and also the closest!) is the Four Seasons Nature Preserve in Lake Geneva, so that?s where we?ll meet this Saturday. Here?s the info:


When: Saturday, September 9th, meeting at the preserve at 10:00 am

Where: Four Seasons Nature Preserve, 1875 County Road H, Lake Geneva, WI 53147

What: Tour of the preserve


If you?re interested in more information about the refuge, here are a couple of links:




We?ll walk around and go out on the boardwalks to see the tamaracks. The park is small but it has many of the elements that are being preserved in the refuge. We?ll be outside the entire time, so wear good walking shoes and dress for the weather. Afterwards we?ll go to lunch someplace close by.

Hope to see you Saturday!



Chris Russin

President, Root River Wild Ones

(608) 408-7082