Wild Ones Root River Chapter October 2017 Meeting Announcement

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For our October meeting, we?re going to continue to take advantage of this great weather and explore Petrifying Springs Park a little. The weather next Saturday is supposed to be very similar to today, which has been gorgeous, so hopefully we?ll get lucky then, too. There are several trails we could take ? Bill and I explored a couple and although it?s very, very dry it?s a great place to botanize and see natives (and non-natives, too!). Let?s meet at the parking lot for Area 6, which is just east of the intersection of County A (7th St) and Green Bay Rd. Here?s the info:

When: Saturday, October 7th, meeting at Parking Lot 6 at 10:00 am

Where: Petrifying Springs Park, 5555 7th St, Kenosha, WI 53144

What: A walk in the park!

Here?s a map of the park ? we will be taking a mixture of the purple and yellow trails:


We?ll be outside the entire time, so wear good walking shoes and dress for the weather. Afterwards we?ll go to lunch someplace close by or check out the Biergarten!

Hope to see you on the 7th!
