Wild Ones Root River Chapter October 2018 Meeting Announcement

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For our October meeting, Jim Keenan will be talking about how to collect native seeds of various kinds, which will be a great lead-in to our November 3rd meeting, which is a member seed exchange! Also, we’re asking members who have common milkweed to collect seed to donate to our chapter for our information booth. Last year we gave away over 400 packets of milkweed seed! So, if you have extra milkweed, you can learn how to collect the seed in October, and then bring your collected seed to the November meeting.

Here’s the info:

When: Saturday, October 6 at 10:00 am

Where: Bristol School library – 20121 83rd St in Bristol

What: Field to Field: Native Seed Collecting

Afterwards, lunch at the Bristol 45 Diner right across from the school on Hwy 45. Also, there will be cookies!

Stay Wild!
