Wild Ones Root River Chapter November 2018 Meeting Announcement

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Good afternoon, Wild Ones! I hope you’ve been enjoying this drier weather, and with luck you’ve been able to collect some seed for the seed exchange at our upcoming meeting. Even if you haven’t, though, you should still attend – members will have extra seed so you can still participate even if you don’t bring any of your own! Plus, it’s a great time to catch up with other members or find out more about seed collecting from some of the more experienced people.

Here’s the info:
When: Saturday, November 3 at 10:00 am
Where: Joann’s house – 375 Queen Anne Circle, Union Grove, WI
What: member seed exchange!

I’ll bring some small bags to put seeds in, but if you have your own bags or containers, bring them along. If you’re bringing seed to donate, make sure you label your bags and know the growing conditions of the plants so you can tell other members who are less familiar with your plants.

Remember, if you can collect and clean any common milkweed seed to donate to the chapter, please do. We’ll fill bags early next year to give away at our booth at various conservation events like EcoFest Racine.

Stay Wild!


P.S. Joann here, let me know if you plan on attending so I have enough seating for all. Hope to see you Saturday!