Coming soon! “Sundays in the Park” with the Wild Ones Root River Chapter

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Over the next few months, our chapter will be touring areas where some of our members have been actively engaged in establishing, restoring, and maintaining native areas and otherwise serving our communities. The Root River Chapter of the Wild Ones has supported each of these projects with funds, plants, and volunteer work. Each of these tours will take place from 12.30 PM to 2:30 PM. Feel free to invite friends, colleagues, and neighbors to the tours.

On Sunday, July 17, Tom LaDuke will present the St. Matthew’s Lakefront ElderGarten at 5835 4th Avenue in Kenosha.

On Sunday, July 31, Dave Hecht will present Island Park at 1700 Liberty Street in Racine.

On Sunday, August 14, Melissa Warner will present part of Colonial Park. Please park at Root River Steelhead Facility in Lincoln Park (navigate to 2200 Domanik Drive, Racine)

On Sunday, August 28, Leon Potter will present Covenant Presbyterian Church at 40 Ohio Street in Racine. We have helped in the development of their Caring for Creation Project.