Category: Uncategorized

Wild Ones Root River Chapter October 2018 Meeting Announcement

For our October meeting, Jim Keenan will be talking about how to collect native seeds of various kinds, which will be a great lead-in to our November 3rd meeting, which is a member seed exchange! Also, we’re asking members who have common milkweed to collect seed to donate to our chapter for our information booth. Last […] Continue reading "Wild Ones Root River Chapter October 2018 Meeting Announcement"

Wild Ones Root River Chapter July/August Picnic Chiwaukee Prairie Walk

Good afternoon, Wild Ones!! I?ve been weeding and planting like crazy in this wonderful weather ? hopefully you have been, too! (although some of my weeding and planting was for my mom in Ohio, but I think it still counts) Our next meeting is right around the corner, and it?s a potluck to celebrate the […] Continue reading "Wild Ones Root River Chapter July/August Picnic Chiwaukee Prairie Walk"

Wild Ones Root River Chapter April 2018 Meeting Announcement

Good morning, Wild Ones! Ecofest was a huge success ? thanks so much to our members for staffing our booth and filling bags of milkweed seed, because we?ve already given most of them away! For our April meeting, Dr. Brian Hudelson from the UW Madison Plant Disease Diagnostics Clinic is going to talk about diseases […] Continue reading "Wild Ones Root River Chapter April 2018 Meeting Announcement"

Wild Ones Root River Chapter March 2018 Meeting Announcement

 For our March meeting, Dr. Joe Walsh, associate professor of instruction in biology at Northwestern University (and basically THE ecologist on campus), is going to talk about the restoration at Somme Prairie Grove in Northbrook, IL. They have a website if you want more information: Here?s the meeting info: When: Saturday, March 3 at 10:00 […] Continue reading "Wild Ones Root River Chapter March 2018 Meeting Announcement"

Wild Ones Root River Chapter February 2018 Meeting Announcement

The snow we got this morning notwithstanding, it?s time to stop thinking about winter and start thinking about plants again! To help us do that, for our February meeting, everyone who is attending the Fox Valley chapter conference this weekend will give a short report on what they learned. If you are going to the conference, […] Continue reading "Wild Ones Root River Chapter February 2018 Meeting Announcement"

Wild Ones Root River Chapter January 2018 Meeting Announcement

Good morning, Wild Ones! Hopefully you are having a wonderful end to 2017, and are looking forward to an even better 2018! To start things off, Peter Gordon, the director of land management and operations for Lake Forest Open Lands, is going to tell us about their mission and activities. Here?s the info: When: Saturday, […] Continue reading "Wild Ones Root River Chapter January 2018 Meeting Announcement"

Wild Ones Root River Chapter December 2017 Meeting Announcement

Our December meeting is a party!!! Here?s the info: Where: the Birchwood Grill off Hwy 50 in Kenosha (actual address is 7515 125th Avenue) When: Saturday, December 2nd at 11:30 am (we will be in our typical room just off the lobby) What: Party party party! We have unlimited access to the breakfast buffet AND salad bar which […] Continue reading "Wild Ones Root River Chapter December 2017 Meeting Announcement"

Wild Ones Root River Chapter October 2017 Meeting Announcement

For our October meeting, we?re going to continue to take advantage of this great weather and explore Petrifying Springs Park a little. The weather next Saturday is supposed to be very similar to today, which has been gorgeous, so hopefully we?ll get lucky then, too. There are several trails we could take ? Bill and […] Continue reading "Wild Ones Root River Chapter October 2017 Meeting Announcement"

Wild Ones Root River Chapter September 2017 Meeting Announcement

Good morning, Wild Ones!! So many people were out of town last month that we were unable to go to the Cedarburg bog, but several people expressed an interest in seeing something similar, and maybe a bit closer. Well, you?re in luck! The Hackmatack National Wildlife Refuge is a newly designated refuge that is in […] Continue reading "Wild Ones Root River Chapter September 2017 Meeting Announcement"